Our faculty regularly publish their research in top-ranked journals in mathematics, statistics and related fields.
Core Research Areas
The faculty members in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics are recognized nationally and internationally across a wide range of topics.
They conduct research in:
- Applied mathematics
- Bifurcation theory
- Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics
- Combinatorics and graph theory
- Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
- Computational statistics
- Computer graphics
- Ordinary differential equations
- Dynamical systems
- Functional analysis
- Harmonic analysis
- Linear algebra and matrix theory
- Mathematical and computational music theory
- Mathematics education
- Multivariate analysis
- Numerical analysis
- Operator theory
- Inverse and ill-posed problems theory
- Qualitative theory of differential equations
- Probability theory
The breadth of these areas of strength and the flexibility of curriculum offerings sets the department apart from others in the state and the region.
Faculty Research
Dr. Guantao Chen
Dr. Guantao Chen‘s research interests are mainly in graph theory and its applications. He works on graph structural problems in several areas, such as cycles and paths in graphs, graph coloring and graph Ramsey theory. In recent years, most of his efforts have been in developing and understanding graph edge recoloring techniques and using them to solve some classic problems in the area.
Dr. Florian Enescu
Dr. Florian Enescu works in the area of commutative algebra with applications to problems with geometrical or number theoretical flavor, generally involving multiplicities, local cohomology, special classes of rings, Frobenius complexity and intersection algebras among other topics. He is also interested in algebraic problems with applications to electrical engineering and computer science.
Dr. Yongwei Yao
Dr. Yongwei Yao‘s research interests lie in commutative algebra, with particular interests in rings of prime characteristics.
Dr. Yi Zhao
Dr. Yi Zhao's research interests lie in Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and their applications in Theoretical Computer Science. In particular, he enjoys solving extremal problems in Combinatorics and Graph Theory because of the connection between these problems and other areas of mathematics (such as analysis, geometry, and number theory) and computer science.
Dr. Igor Belykh
Dr. Igor Belykh‘s research fields are Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience, Applied Dynamical Systems, and Applied Mathematics. Dr. Belykh’s research spans several interdisciplinary research areas, such as the origin of motor diseases, reconstruction of functional connectivity in neuronal and social networks, dynamical instabilities in mechanical systems, data-driven models of human gait, computational methods in robotics, energy harvesting, and understanding causal relationships among firearm prevalence, state legislation, and people’s opinion of firearm safety.
Dr. Vladimir Bondarenko
Dr. Vladimir Bondarenko‘s research areas include mathematical modeling cardiac ion channels, cardiac cells, cardiac tissues, pro-arrhythmic events, and arrhythmias. He is also working on the models of neural cells and neural networks, as well as artificial neural network models producing mammalian electroencephalograms.
Dr. Yi Jiang
Dr. Yi Jiang’s research lies in the interface between mathematics, physics and biology by developing mathematical tools for complex biological and biomedical systems. Research in her lab combines two approaches: 1) Mechanistic: develop multiscale mathematical models based on experimental data, and 2) Data-driven: image analysis and statistical analysis tools and apply them on biomedical data. We have developed models and tools and applied them to problems range from single cell migration to cancer development (tumor growth, angiogenesis, invasion), epithelium morphogenesis, eye diseases, and collective cell patterning. In the last 10 years, one focus of my lab has been on studying cell-ECM interactions during cell migration, particularly in the context of cancer invasion. Her lab is also current involved in COVID-19 related projects.
Dr. Jun Kong
Dr. Jun Kong‘s research interests focus on big imaging data analytics for characterizing cancer diseases, multi-modal biomedical image analysis, computer-aided diagnosis, machine learning, computational biology, and large-scale translational bioinformatics with heterogeneous data integration and mining. His long-term research goal is to establish an interdisciplinary research program engaged with mathematicians, biostatisticians, computer scientists, biologists, pathologists, and oncologists, among other domains of experts, for computational disease characterization, accurate modeling analysis, and granular-resolution understanding of diseases with large-scale, multi-modal, and multi-scale biomedical data.
Dr. Yaroslav Molkov
Dr. Yaroslav Molkov's research field is Theoretical Neuroscience. His research interests include rhythmogenic mechanisms in the mammalian brain (e.g. those involved in control of respiration and locomotion), sensory-motor integration, neurodegenerative disorders with emphasis on data-driven mathematical modeling and data assimilation.
Dr. Mariana Montiel
Dr. Mariana Montiel‘s research revolves around Mathematical Music Theory a topic that involves several mathematical areas used in scientific musicology such as Category Theory, Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Combinatorics on Words. It is cross disciplinary not only with Music, but with areas such as Computer Science and Cognitive Science. She also does research about pedagogical aspects, in particular, the use of abstract and symbolic representations, common to both disciplines, mathematics and music.
Dr. Alexandra Smirnova
Dr. Alexandra Smirnova‘s research interests lie in regularized numerical algorithms for inverse and ill-posed problems and their applications in epidemiology and other fields.
Dr. Michael Stewart
Dr. Michael Stewart’s research is in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory, and numerical analysis. His specific areas of focus are on fast algorithms for densely structured linear algebra problems and issues of numerical stability and accuracy.
Dr. Xiaojing Ye
Dr. Xiaojing Ye‘s research focuses on applied and computational mathematics. His main research includes analysis and numerical methods for stochastic point processes on networks, modeling and computations of optimal transport and applications, and theory and computations in machine learning with applications in deep learning and image processing.
Dr. Gengsheng (Jeff) Qin
Dr. Gengsheng (Jeff) Qin‘s research interests are in statistics and biostatistics, specifically statistical methods and applications dealing with diagnostic medicine and biological research, survival analysis, bootstrap and empirical likelihood methods, nonparametric and semi-parametric regression.
Dr. Yichuan Zhao
Dr. Yichuan Zhao‘s current research interests focus on survival analysis, nonparametric statistics, statistical analysis of ROC curves, Monte Carlo methods, high-dimensional data analysis.
Contact Us
Office/Delivery Address
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Georgia State University
25 Park Place, 14th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3083, USA