More than half of our research faculty members are supported by federally funded grants.
Message from the Chair

“Mathematics compares the most diverse phenomena and discovers the secret analogies that unite them."
- Joseph Fourier, French mathematician and physicist
On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to welcome you to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics! If you are searching for the best place to learn, create, explore, make lifelong friends, rise to your full potential, prepare yourself for a great career, work hard and have a lot of fun, then don’t look any further. We are here to help you discover the beauty and power of mathematics!
Math is the language that all other disciplines speak, and it serves as the foundation for almost all programs offered across our downtown Atlanta campus. Students’ success in math courses is of paramount importance to their progress towards graduation. It comes as no surprise that by the number of credit hours served, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is one of the largest at Georgia State University. To facilitate students’ learning, the department offers a variety of courses that range from introductory to upper undergraduate and graduate levels, taught in traditional, emporium, and fully online formats. Some of our courses have become national success models and have attracted visitors from many other universities across the nation.
Our department offers baccalaureate, masters and doctoral programs, as well as two accelerated dual-degree B.S./M.S. programs that enable qualified students to enroll in graduate courses late in their B.S. education and to earn M.S. degree in 5 years. Under the College of Arts and Sciences, we offer an M.S. in Data Science with the Department of Computer Science. Our bachelor's program in mathematics comes with six different concentrations (actuarial science, applied mathematics, computer information systems, computer science, managerial sciences, and statistics) or with no concentration, and it is pursued by nearly 200 math majors. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is also home to Research Initiations in Mathematics, Mathematics Education and Statistics (RIMMES) program, open to undergraduate students at Georgia State University.
M.S. programs in the department enroll about 60 students each year. Our M.S. in Mathematics concentrations include applied mathematics, discrete mathematics, scientific computing, bioinformatics, and statistics. M.S. in Applied Statistics offers concentrations in biostatistics, and statistics and allied field. Ph.D. students can choose a concentration in applied mathematics, machine learning and data science, mathematics, biostatistics, or bioinformatics. Ph.D. program in Mathematics and Statistics enrolls over 50 students per year, including students from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups, and prepares them for a variety of career paths in academia, government, and industry.
Mathematics and Statistics faculty conduct world-class research in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. We have internationally recognized experts in algebra, biomathematics, biostatistics, combinatorics and graph theory, computational mathematics, dynamical systems, machine learning, and matrix analysis. Our faculty regularly publish in top-ranked journals, and more than a half of tenured and tenure-track faculty members have been supported by federal grants. The department is rapidly growing its research collaborations with various academic units at GSU, as well as other colleges and universities in the US and abroad.
Welcome to Math & Stat family!
Alexandra Smirnova, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Contact Us
Office/Delivery Address
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Georgia State University
25 Park Place, 14th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3083, USA